While COVID-19 dominates the headlines, we can't ignore that the wildland season is here and how dry it is in many areas. So we have put together these featured Forestry/Wildland products:

A Class A foam that contains no no fluorine derivatives or PBTs (Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins).

Patrol Hose
A GHT hose with many uses: protecting long hose lines, grass fires, mop-up, de-con operations, washing down equipment, etc.

Boostlite Hose
Works as booster reel hose, wildland brush attack hose and suitable for CAFS applications.

Collapsible Bush Pack
A safe and comfortable way to carry liquids used during fire operations.

Rigid Bush Pack
The thick walled polyethylene plastic tank will take rough handling and harsh environments.

Forestry Sprinkler System
This package is assembled with the fire department's needs in mind for Wildland fire protection in residential areas.

Foam Ranger
These bush buggy packages feature a built-in foam tank & controls to quickly select the correct foam rate needed and up to a 400 gallon tank.
Many of these products mentioned are in stock and we have many more forestry products are available on the website